Weekly since February 2007, Amtower Off
Center has offered a forum to discuss the contracting side of government.
The show airs Monday at noon in DC on 1500 AM, is simulcast on www.federalnewsradio.com, and is downloadable from the station web site and iTunes.
I strive to offer information that is timely, educational and interesting, as well as occasionally amusing. The show is like nothing else on air.
The topics range from sales, marketing, business development, GWACs, IDIQs and GSA Schedules, creating a subject matter expert platform, mergers and acquisitions, creating an advisory board, LPTA and category management, small business issues, contracting and procurement, interviews with business authors, marketing lessons form military history and more.
Often I have guests who help analyze current issues, shedding light on the good, the bad and the ugly, warning contractors of landmines and roadblocks, or offering tips on how to win more.
enjoyed having many of brightest people in government contracting on my show,
as well as other thought leaders, including Jill
Aitoro, Larry Allen, Anne Altman, Brad Antle, Betsy Blakney, Lou Anne Bradley
Brossman, Steve Charles, Alan Chovotkin,
Robert Coen, Bob Davis, Kevin DeSanto, Lisa Dezzutti, Fred Diamond, Carl Dickson, Michael Fischetti,
Lee Frederiksen, Hal Good, Bob Gourley, Kimberly Hancher, Ann Handley, Maria Horton, Claudia and Peg Hosky, Peter Jacobs, Martha Johnson, Wyatt Kash, Michael Keating, Casey
Kelley, Stan Krejci, Bob Laclede, Dee Lee, Cameron Leuthy, Robert Lohfeld, Christina Morrison, Lisa Pafe, Kevin Plexico, David Powell, Joe Pulizzi, Kerry Simon Rea, Todd
Richards, Allan Rubin, David Meerman Scott, David Shea, Mike Smoyer, Barry Strauss, Stan Soloway, Emma
Sopko, Simon Szykman, Guy Timberlake, Nick Wakeman, Rita Walston, Beth Wingate, Joanne Woytek, Kevin P
Young, and many others.
Below are a few photos of me and various guests.
Above, with Lisa Pafe of Lohfeld Conulting
Amtower on air
Above, with best selling author and speaker David Meerman Scott
Above with David Shea, GSA Charge Card Program Director
With Wyatt Kash
With Deidre (Dee) Lee
With Fred Diamond
At the Tower Club with Bob Laclede
With Peter Jacobs and Christina Morrison